Orange Marmelade

Orange Marmelade

I love orange marmalade without the peel getting in the way. This recipe is simple and doesn't require a jelly strainer.

1 kg sour oranges

About 400 g sugar

400 ml water

1 lemon

Wash the fruit and cut it into quarters.

Place the fruit in a pot with the water. Cover the pot and simmer for about 2 hours until the fruit is soft and mushy.

Stir well with a wooden spoon. Pour the mixture through a sieve and measure the amount of liquid in the pot. Add the same amount of sugar to the pot and simmer over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Then increase the heat and simmer for 12 minutes, stirring well during this time.

Remove the marmalade from the heat as soon as the mixture reaches 105 °C.

Pour into sterilized jars.


  • 3/8/2023 1:19:53 PM


    Seturðu sykurinn með ávöxtunum eftir sigtunina eða með vatninu og sýður það í 12??

  • 4/16/2023 2:28:05 PM

    Erla Steinunn

    Sæll Guðjón  Ég sigta vökvann frá ávöxtunum og hendi síðan hratinu.  Síðan bæti ég sykrinum út í vökvann og sýð í 12 mínútur.